1. Mar 18, 2021 bookdown + exams + webex. First and foremost, the main part of the hack is to realize that any exercises in a.Rmd file can be broken into a list using exams::xexams.Let’s use an example from the book, with the first three exercises of chapter 01.
  2. 'Python Bookdown' was written by Yong Keh Soon. It was last built on 2020-11-20. It was last built on 2020-11-20. This book was built by the bookdown R package.
  1. Bookdown Python Online
  2. Bookdown R
  3. Bookdown Python Code
Bookdown example

A open-source (GPL-3) R package to facilitate writing books and long-form articles/reports with R Markdown. Features include:

Bookdown Python Online

  • Generate printer-ready books and ebooks from R Markdown documents
  • A markup language easier to learn than LaTeX, and to write elements such as section headers, lists, quotes, figures, tables, and citations
  • Multiple choices of output formats: PDF, LaTeX, HTML, EPUB, and Word.
  • Possibility of including dynamic graphics and interactive applications (HTML widgets and Shiny apps)
  • Support for languages other than R, including C/C++, Python, and SQL, etc.
  • LaTeX equations, theorems, and proofs work for all output formats
  • Can be published to GitHub, bookdown.org, and any web servers
  • Integrated with the RStudio IDE
  • One-click publishing to https://bookdown.org

Apr 14, 2021 Support a wide range of languages: R, C/C, Python, Fortran, Julia, Shell scripts, and SQL, etc. LaTeX equations, theorems, and proofs work for all output formats. Can be published to GitHub, bookdown.org, and any web servers. Integrated with the RStudio IDE. One-click publishing to Below is a list of featured books.



You can install the package from CRAN as follows:

If you want to use the development version of the bookdown package, you can install the package from GitHub via the remotes package:


The easiest way to start a new Bookdown project is from within RStudio IDE. Go to File > New Project > New Directory > Book project using bookdown.


This will create a new directory with an example book as template. You can build the HTML version of this example book without doing any modification:

  • Go into the Build Pane in the RStudio IDE
  • Click on Build Book > bookdown::gitbook

You can also run bookdown::render_book() in the R console.

Learn more about using bookdown in the Getting started section.

Getting help

There are two main places to get help:

  1. The RStudio community is a friendly place to ask any questions about bookdown. Be sure to use the bookdown tag.

  2. Stack Overflow is a great source of answers to common bookdown questions. Use the tags [r][bookdown] if you ask a question.

Bookdown R

Code of Conduct

Please note that the bookdown project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

Jumping Rivers is an analytics company whose passion is data and machine learning. We help our clients move from data storage to data insights.

Jumping Rivers has delivered quality data insights from day 1. Based in Newcastle and founded in 2016, the company is bringing a fresh approach to the world of data analytics.

  • Authors with O’Reilly
  • Peer-reviewed papers
  • Live courses with O’Reilly
  • Regular speakers at conferences across the world
  • Partners with the Centre for Data
  • Partners with RStudio
  • Branded with Data Lab
  • Active sponsors for user groups across the world
  • Preferred Microsoft AI partners

Bookdown Python Code

1.1 Training

Jumping Rivers offer a number of training options in R and Python ranging from introductory programming to applied machine learning, automated reporting and app development. We also offer the facility to create bespoke training programs for our clients to make sure that we perfectly cater to your needs.

1.2 Consultancy


Our consultancy helps you find ways in which data will optimise your systems, products or services. With Jumping Rivers, you can stay ahead, predict and exceed changes in your marketplace – and use data to drive your future success.

1.3 Get in touch

Please feel free to browse our website https://jumpingrivers.com to see how we can help you or to get in touch.

Bookdown python programming

1.4 This book

This material was created to be used as a half day training course reference.