This appendix summarizes the most commonly-used Python languagefeatures in the textbook.
You will see in the upcoming tutorial on Python Program Structure how triple-quoted strings can be used to add an explanatory comment to Python code. Boolean Type, Boolean Context, and “Truthiness” Python 3 provides a Boolean data type. Objects of Boolean type may have one of two values, True or False:. This Python cheat sheet will guide you through variables and data types, Strings, Lists, to eventually land at the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python, Numpy. You have just started with python and looking for a python data science cheat sheet I have added some gathered from different resources. This will help you a lot because this cheatsheet for python is also helpful for those who are interested in data science. This will help you as a handy guide and you can refer to it whenever you have doubts. Main data types boolean = True /. Legend: x,y stand for any kind of data values, s for a string. Python 3 Beginner's Reference Cheat Sheet Alvaro Sebastian. Base Types ©2012-2015 - Laurent Pointal Python 3 Cheat Sheet License Creative Commons Attribution 4 Latest version on. Storing data on disk, and reading it back opening mode. Fill char alignment sign mini width.precisionmaxwidth type + - space Operations on Dictionaries Operations on Sets Operators.
and if-else
and for
module: writing functions.stdio
module: reading functions.stddraw
data type.Color
data type.Picture
data type.InStream
data type.OutStream
data type.p = c1.potentialAt(.20, .50)
Python is a very versatile language and it is used in many IT fields such as:
There are many IDE’s on the internet for Python the two most recommended ones are:
Data type Name | Data Type Syntax | Size |
Integer Number | int | 14 |
Floating Point Numbers | float | 16 |
Boolean | bool | 14 |
string | str | 26 |
bytes | b’’ | 21 |
Data type Name | Data Type Syntax | Example |
List (Ordered) | list() | [1,2,3] or list(range(1,4)) |
Tuple (Ordered) | tuple() | (1,2,3) |
Dictionary (Unordered) | dict() | {0:1, 1:2, 2:3} |
Set (unordered) | set() | {1,2,3} |
Python has some standard operators which include arithmetic operators too.
Operator Name | Operator | Example |
Addition or concatenation | + | 1+2 Or “hello” + ”world” |
Subtraction | – | 40 – 10 à 30 |
Multiplication | * | 40 * 10 à 100 [0]*2 à[0,0] |
division | / | 10/5 à 2.0 |
Floor division | // | 10 // 5 à2 |
Modules | % | 10 % 5 à 0 |
Exponential | ** | 2**3 à 8 |
There are some operators in python which are used to compare two objects or values and return a Boolean value True and False:
Operator Name | Operator | Example |
Smaller than | < | 2 < 3 èTrue |
Greater than | > | 3 > 2 èTrue |
Smaller than and equal to | <= | 2 <= 2 èTrue |
Greater than and equal to | >= | 3 >= 3 èTrue |
Not equal to | != | 2 != 3èTrue |
Equal to comparison | 2 2 èTrue |
Python has three logical Operators:
Identifies are the name given to an object, identifiers can be also known as a variable name. There are some rules associated with an identifier or variable name. Using identifies we can give a name to variables, functions, modules, classes.
We use equal to “=” symbol to assign an object to an identifier.
The identifier name should be on the left side and value on the right side of the assignment operator.
x =20
Python Assignment | Assignment operator | Example |
Simple and Single Assignment | = | x = 20 |
Assignment to same value | = | x = y = z =100 |
Multiple Assignment | = | x, y, z = 10, 20, 30 |
Swap values with Assignment operator | = | x, y = y, x |
Unpacking sequence using assigmnet operator | = | x, *y = [20,10,30,70] |
Assignment operator for increment | += | x+=20 |
Assignment operator for Decrement | -= | x -=20 |
I/O methods | Description |
print() | To print out the output |
input() | To take input from the user |
By default input() accept value as string.
Using there are many reserved keywords in python which are used to convert the data type of a variable.
Type Conversion | Python Syntax | Example |
Float to integer Numeric string to integer Boolean to integer | int() | int(20.11) int(“200”) int(True) |
Integer to float Numeric string to float Boolean to float | float() | float(100) float(“100”) float(True) |
Integer to string float to string Boolean to string | str() | str(100) str(100.00) str(True) |
ASSIC Code to character | chr() | chr(64) à @ |
Character to ASSIC code | ord() | ord(‘@’) à 64 |
Convert a container data type and a string to a list | list() | list(“Hello”) |
Convert a container datatype to a dict | dict() | dict([(1,2), (2,3)]) |
Convert a container data type to a set | set() | set([1,2,3,4,5,5]) |
In python String, List and tuple objects support indexing calling.
In python, we often encounter with Boolean values when we deal with comparison operator conditional statements.
In python there are two types of Booleans:
Boolean Operator | Description | Example |
False | In python False, 0, empty container data type and None Treat as False value. | bool(0) à False bool([]) à False bool({}) à False bool(None) à False |
True | Anything except 0, None and empty data type in python considered as True Boolean | bool(100) à True |
Use | Syntax |
Import the complete module | import module |
Import complete modules with its all objects | from module import * |
Import specific objects or class from a modules | from module import name_1, name_2 |
Import specific module and give a temporary name | from module import name_1 as nam |
Math is the most important and widely used standard module of python, it provides many methods related to mathematics.
Math Module | Example |
from math import * | |
cos() | cos(90) -0.4480736161291701 |
sin() | sin(200) -0.8732972972139946 |
pi | 3.141592653589793 |
pow() | pow(2,3) à 8.0 |
ceil() | ceil(12.1) à13 |
floor() | floor(12.9) à12 |
round() | round(12.131,2) à12.13 |
abs() | abs(-29) à 29 |
Python Conditional statement consists of 3 keywords if, elif and else.
There are two loops statements present in python:
It is a statement used inside the loop statement, and it is used to terminate the loop flow and exist from the loop immediately.
Continue is the opposite of break, it is also used in loop statements and directly jump to the next iteration.
To create a user-defined function in python we use the def keyword and to exit from a function we return a value using the return keyword.
A list is a collection of different data types, and it stores all elements in a contagious memory location.
To create a list we use square brackets [ ].
List support indexing, with the help of indexing we can access the specific element of the list.
With list slicing, we can access a sequence of elements present in the list.
lst_2 = [i for i in lst ]
Operations | Descriptions |
lst.append(val) | Add items at the end |
lst.extend(seq) | Add sequence at the end |
lst.insert(indx,val) | Add value at a specific index |
lst.remove(val) | To delete the specific value from a list |
lst.pop() | To remove the last value from the list |
Lst.sort() | To sort the list |
Tuples in python similar to a list, the only difference is tuples are immutable.
Python does not have inbuilt support for arrays but it has standard libraries to for array data structure. Array is a very useful tool to perform mathematical concepts.
Python set is similar to the mathematic sets, a python set does not hold duplicates items and we can perform the basic set operation on set data types.
Operations Name | Operator | Example: |
Union | | | s1 | s2 |
Intersection | & | s1 & s2 |
Difference | – | s1 – s2 |
Asymmetric Difference | ^ | s1 ^ s2 |
Dictionary is a collection of key: value pair and the key could only be an immutable data type.
We use the key to access the corresponding value.
Like a list comprehension, we have generator comprehension in generator comprehension we use parenthesis () instead of sq. brackets [].
In exception handling we deal with runtime error there are many keywords associated with exception handling:
keyword | Description |
try | Normal processing block |
except | Error processing block |
finally | Final block executes for both tries or except. |
raise | To throw an error with a user-defined message. |
Class provides the Object-Oriented programming concepts to python.
The constructor is the special method of class which executes automatically during the object creation of the class.
Magic methods | Description |
__str__() | String representation of the object |
__init__() | Initialization or Constructor of the class |
__add__() | To override addition operator |
__eq__() | To override equal to method |
__lt__() | To override less than operator |
Conventionally to declare an attribute private we, write it name starting with __ double underscore.
An inheritance we can use the methods and property of another class:
Operators | Description |
len(lst) | Items count |
min(lst) | To find the minimum item |
max(lst) | To find the maximum item |
sorted(lst) | List sorted copy |
enumerate (c) | Iterator on (index, item) |
zip(lst_1,lst_2) | Combine two list |
all(c) | If all items are True it returns True else false |
any(c) | True at least one item of c is true else false |
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