Savin Tells it Like it is. Savin is a patriot. An avowed Trump supporter, he, like most of us, is fighting for the America we thought we were living in. These psychotic people sexually abuse, traffic for profit, psychologically control and murder children. And exactly who are they doing it for? You guessed it; themselves and Satan. Juan O Savin - The Military Are Going To Make A Move Soon, Be Ready To Support Them! Mar 27; Juan o Savin vaccine hidden agenda. We The People NEWS.
. . . and the day before Juan O Savin’s famous bet that things would be made aright and Biden exposed as the fool.
Well, he’s certainly been exposed a fool, with every scripted, halting, stumbling, incoherent appearance, and those three falls up the stairs, and that most recent absurdity, his “press conference.”
(I keep wondering why my neighbor across the street, a staunch Democrat, keeps her by now weatherworn “United for Biden” sign up on her lawn. Does she know that things aren’t as they seem, that something is coming, and she’s trying to stave it off? I’m tempted to ask her, but then, I know better!)
Okay, so last night, this, from Patrick Byrne, on Martin Geddes Telegram:
To which Martin responded:
But then I think, geez! How many more thousands of kids will be trafficked across the southern border by unvetted people before August? Is it really possible that this horror show could run on and on for four or five more months? If so, what will be left of our country?
Meanwhile, Matt Gaetz, who says he has direct intelligence from the northern triangle countries that human trafficking is occurring at the behest of, not just cartels, but the U.S. Gov — and therefore U.S. taxpayer money — from the State Department through USAID, and ends up in the hands of NGOs who are “advertising for and facilitating the caravans and movements of people into our country” —
— has himself been targeted with attempted extortion for alleged sex trafficking, as trumpeted by — wait for it — The New York Times.
Speaking of sex trafficking, here are a two more “coincidences” with that formerly innocuous name Evergreen . . . (See my other recent posts on this).
And this, the boring machine that makes the tunnels where trafficked children are moved and stored.
Meanwhile, President Trump spoke with daughter-in-law Lara Trump yesterday.
And he says he’s considering a visit to the border soon.
Makes me wonder if all he needs to do is find (the actor who’s playing) Biden and shove him out of the way, since Trump’s doing the job of President anyway. Wouldn’t take much, methinks (assuming the actor stays in character). And most of us could then breathe a sigh of relief.
But then, I know, I know, this enormous, long-running sting operation that has been playing out at least since the November “election” has to be done “according to law.” Which means, we need to wait until the entire drama plays out.
Okay, so then the question becomes, what is each of us doing while waiting?
Living our real, authentic lives, I hope. Letting go of toxic relationships, jobs, and addictive habits, pursuing our highest and best goals and projects, aligning with others of like mind, gettin’ it done, each of us, here at home. Anything less, let’s face it, is a waste of our precious time. For us to think Trump, or any man, is our savior is the worst mistake we can ever make. He presents the figurehead for what’s happening at the upper levels of the social order (or disorder); we, the people, are responsible, each of us, for what’s happening at the grassroots levels. Each of us must step up to our own plate. You likely know what yours is. I do know what mine is. Do it.
And BTW: it might be what you’re most afraid of doing! What has haunted you for years! What fascinates you so much you know that if you don’t pursue it before you die, you will have failed. Yes, THAT.
Juan O. Savin did an interview on January 31 with Sean Stone. He said that by April 1, it will be obvious that Trump is our president. It won’t necessarily take until April 1; at a different point, he said we could even know by Super Bowl Sunday.
He explains what’s been going on. Basically the military got the DNI report detailing foreign interference in the election a couple of days after the December 18 deadline. Then they waited as the civilian government was supposed to deal with it. January 20 represented the failure of the corrupt civilian government to deal with it.
At that point, they essentially took control of the government until they could safely restore legitimate civilian authority. Supposedly they’ve had to complete their own investigation confirming the report.
We know from Sidney Powell’s affidavits that military intelligence had already tracked the election fraud, but we don’t know what else might be involved in completing that investigation. I assume it would be tracking down all the domestic agents of the foreign enemies who hacked our election.
So Savin says the only question is whether the military has the will and capability to do the right thing. He assures us they do. He says the military has been compromised too, but not enough to stop them from doing the right thing. He assures us that when they are ready to act, the action will be fast and decisive.
Essentially, we’re living through a military regime after an insurrection attempt. Biden has no real authority, but he says we are in a really serious situation. He says no one should underestimate the danger a Biden administration would represent.
Savin says 80% of the people who voted, voted for Trump, not Biden.
Savin also confirms Biden’s Oval Office scenes were filmed at the Castle Rock movie set, that Biden hasn’t flown on Air Force 1, and that the Biden admin still hasn’t been given access to critical military info.
I haven’t followed Savin before, but as I look at what he’s said over time, he’s clearly said the same stuff as all the other good sources. Like Great Source Terrible Timing, he has never thought Trump would be properly inaugurated as president on January 20. He always predicted there would be a delay.
This interview was sent to me by another source I know very well. During the interview, Savin points to a lot of publicly-available evidence that confirms what he’s saying. You will recognize it as evidence I’ve been posting about for weeks.
I’ve reported before that the military has never briefed the fake Biden administration.
Now Biden’s fake press secretary admits it herself:
Space Force not only has cyber warfare capabilities, it controls all Department of Defense satellites. We were under cyber attack as Biden supposedly took office and a space weapon had been used to stop an assault on our communications infrastructure in Nashville.
If Biden were getting defense briefings, he would have gotten a Space Force briefing. But Psaki doesn’t even know what Space Force is, even though she knew in advance she’d be getting questions on it.
Richard Potcner and other citizen journalists continue to confirm unusual military activity in DC through this morning. Potcner videoed military helicopters flying low over the Capitol this morning. Eight more buses of National Guard arrived yesterday at the Capitol as well.
Kamala Harris said she wasn’t moving into the VP residence at the Naval Observatory because the residence was being refurbished, yet no construction or remodeling work is going on at the VP residence.
The White House continues to look uninhabited this morning, with no lights on in the windows even though the day is dark and overcast with snow flurries.
And there were huge military ATVs parked in front of the White House yesterday. Not the kind of vehicles generals would arrive in for a briefing. No normal motorcades of foreign dignitaries, no meetings with Congress, no Secret Service coming and going. Just huge military vehicles parked there, as if the White House grounds have become a military storage place.
Potcner also got a photo of the 10th Mountain Division still in DC a day or two ago.
You can find Richard on Twitter at @dpotcner or on Telegram at